Sunset Stroll - Sunday 25th August

Sunday 25th August

We're having to skip a month of our charity pub walk due to the Yorkshire Tough Mudder event taking place on our usual walk route so the next walk will be on Sunday 25th August...
In a slight change to our usual pub walk recipe, we'll be hosting an evening walk instead of a morning wander for the summer months.
As usual we'll be meeting at the pub, but this time from 5:30pm, before setting off on our usual route around Broughton Sanctuary at 6pm taking in the great views and soaking up the last of the days sunshine (we hope!) before returning to the pub for a well earned refreshing tipple.
The walk is free to attend but we'll be taking donations towards our fundraising effort for Manorland's Hospice, so if you have any spare pocket change, we'd be really grateful for it!

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