Monthly Pub Walk- Saturday July 6th

Saturday 6th July

Come and join us for a morning walk where we will have a leisurely ramble through the Shropshire countryside. We’ll be meeting at The Fox for 9.30am for a cuppa and a bacon butty before heading out on our route around 10.15am.
The walk is approximately 4 miles across open fields and foot paths. Dogs will be required to be kept on a lead through some of our neighbouring farmer’s land although there are plenty of fields for them to have a run. Please note that although the weather seems to be trying to improve, we are still in the UK, so walking boots or wellies are advised as parts of the walk can be exceptionally muddy.
We will make it back in time for lunch if you would like to stay for a bite to eat or just for a pint (you will need to book a table if you are planning to eat indoors as we have limited dog friendly tables).
We are politely asking on the day for a donation to our Shropshire charity; Cuan Wildlife Rescue, who are dedicated to the care and rehabilitation of sick, injured and orphaned wild animals and birds.
If you have any dietary requirements, please contact us at [email protected] for more information.
This is a family friendly walk, and you don't have to have a dog to join in; its a great opportunity to meet new people or simply explore the local area.
We are trying to get a rough count on the numbers therefore we are asking for you to book a place on our list (see below)
Look forward to seeing you (and your four legged friends) there!