The Horse & Groom

Hare Hatch

Summer Pub Walk - Saturday 17th August

Saturday 17th August

Hello there, 
We would love to have you and your four-legged friends join us for our summer dog walk. 
We aim to meet at the pub for 09:30am for a complimentary bacon bap and hot drink, before we set off for a 2-hour local walk at 10:00am. We hope to be back at the pub for around midday for a well deserved pint if you fancy. 
If you would like to join us, please reserve your place by booking below, one ticket per human! 
If you fancy staying for some lunch, you can book a table via the booking dairy at the top of the page, or let us know when you arrive on the day. 
Looking forward to seeing you all then, 
Alisha and the Horse and Groom crew.

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