Summer Evening Walk & Beer Tasting - Wednesday 10th July

Wednesday 10th July

Whether you have two feet or four paws, this is a perfect opportunity to burn off some calories (to make room for more!) and take in a bit of fresh air amongst new friends, join us for our evening stroll and beer tasting on Wednesday 10th July. 
We will start in the pub at 6pm with complementary nibbles, and beer tasting as the master brewer from Mad Squirrel Brewery will be available to tell you all about their beers, how it's made and much more. 
We wll then aim to head off at 6:30pm on a 2 mile-ish walk, taking in the beautiful sights of Colne Valley before returning back to the pub at around 8pm, for a well deserved pint! 
If you'd like to join us for dinner afterwards, be sure to book a table online above (and let us know if your dog will be staying with you, so we can be sure to allocate a ‘dog friendly table’. 
This walk and beer tasting is free to attend, all we ask is that you reserve your space below, so we know how many people to cater for. 
We look forward to seeing you all there.

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