Pub to Pub Summer Walk

Saturday 6th July

Whether you have two feet or four paws we'd like to invite you to join us on our 'pub to pub' summer walk....
We'll be meeting at the Roebuck at 9am on Saturday 6th July for bacon butties and a cuppa (on the house) before we set off at 9.30am for a walk to our lovely sister pub The Telegraph on Putney Heath.
At 7.5 miles it's one of our longer walks, but it's easy going and we'll be stopping for regular breathers along the way!
Our route through West London will include sights such as The Fullers Brewery, Barnes Bridge, The Thames Path, Barnes Common and Putney Heath.
We aim to reach the Telegraph for around 12-12.30pm just in time for a well deserved pint or two and a bite of lunch if you fancy. Their outside pizza kitchen is popular when the sun is shining! (be sure to book a table if you'd like to eat inside)
Four legged friends and families are most welcome. There's no charge for this event, but so we can get an idea of numbers (and how many bacon butties to lay on!) please reserve your spot below 
We look forward to seeing you then.
P.S. Be sure to work out your return route under your own steam - bus, tube, train or return walk if you're feeling energetic! 

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