The Falcon at Warmington

Warmington, Banbury

Saturday 1st June: Early SummerDog Show & Craft Fayre in support of Dogs for Good

Saturday 1st June

Why not treat yourself & your four-legged friend to a fun afternoon out at The Falcon?
Craft Fayre (12.00 noon - 4.00pm)
With an exciting range of local crafters and sellers there is sure to be something for everyone to browse and buy at our Early Summer Event, so please come along and browse the range whilst you enjoy a drink or even a spot of lunch in our stunning gardens.
For crafters wishing to exhibit (you will need to bring your own weather cover) - please email [email protected] (FAO: Tom)
Please not entrance to the craft fayre is free of charge to the public - however please join our guest-list to let us know you are planning to come!
Fun Dog Show (From 1.30pm)
Let your four-legged friend 'strut their stuff' in our early summer dog show, with classes for all breeds, shapes and sizes and prizes galore - it will be one not to be missed.
Entry fees as follows:
Online (in advance - class selections to be made on the day):
1 Class - £2.50 / 2 Classes - £4.50 / 3 Classes - £6.50 / 5 Classes - £10.00
Entries on the day (if space allows):
1 Class - £3.00 / 2 Classes - £5.50 / 3 Classes - £7.00 / 5 Classes - £12.50
Class 1: Most Handsome Dog
Class 2: Prettiest Bitch
Class 3: Best Youngster (under 2)
Class 4: Golden Oldie (over 8)
Class 5: Best Small/Medium Breed
Class 6: Best Large / X-Large Breed
Class 7: Best Rescue
Class 8: Young Handler (handler under the age of 12)
Class 9: Dog the judge would most like to take home
(Followed by best in show - 1st/2nd place from the above classes)
Class 10: Waggiest Tail
Class 11: Sausage Throw
Class 12: Musical Sit
Dining with us on the day
Saturday afternoons are often extremely busy for us at The Falcon - should you wish to dine inside or under the stretch tent (covered terrace) please head to our website to book your table, all outside (non covered tables) are not bookable and will be available on a first come first served basis on the day.
We hope you will be able to join us for our first garden event of the Summer, fingers crossed for sunshine!
Please note all proceeds from the dog show will be donated to Dogs for Good